Saturday, November 12, 2005

Can I Still Kiss And Enjoy Relationships?

Dr David,
I would like to know if i kiss any one or smoke the same cigarette after anyone, can they get herpes? I just got herpes and I need to know things about it and I would like to know if you can tell me some things about it so I can be on the safe side. And, how will I be able to still have sex and be with another person? so if you please abon help me i would love to know. --L.

Dear L,
Yes, you can still do all the things in a relationship that anyone without herpes can do, however with some precautions. Herpes travels from moist skin to moist skin. So yes, it is possible if you are sharing cigarettes with someone, they could potentially become infected with the herpes virus. More so if you have an active infection than if you are currently in remission. If you are in remission, there is still a slim possibility that someone could still contract herpes from you, but much less likely. Having a blister is when you are most infectious. The virus will be active and waiting for you to kiss or have oral sex with someone to spread itself. Before kissing or sharing cigarettes, it is best to wait until you are in remission. If you have oral herpes, then the best prevention for the other person during oral sex is by using a dental dam. You can find dental dams at
Condomania. For those who have genital herpes, the best protection for intercourse is using female condoms. The give much safer and more protective coverage than condoms and can also be found at Condomania.

To reiterate myself and to state again. There is still a chance while you are in remission of passing the virus on to your partner without protection. It is a slim chance but still know there is a chance.

The best way to go into and stay in remission is by following my program. You will learn what foods trigger and feed the virus, what antiviral herbs and supplements suppress the virus and keep it from coming back for good.

L, the best thing you can do to protect yourself and your partners is to go now to and get my program. You and your partners will be glad you did. You will no longer have those anoying outbreaks that slow down your intimate love life. You will not get this from your MD. Natural medicine doctors like myself understand that treating herpes or any disease requires a holistic approach employing diet therapy, herbal medicine and nutritional supplements while avoiding the harmful side effects of prescription medication. Remember, you also receive a free sample of my antiherpes antiviral herbal formula. It contains all the herbs I recommend in my program to fight and suppress the herpes virus.

Blessings to you and be safe.

In Health,
David Hogg, ND